Friday, January 28, 2011

Golden Valley Community Club is Closed for the Winter

The Golden Valley Community Club is closed for the winter.

There will be no meeting January 17.

The heat pump at the clubhouse has been a real blessing and we're glad to have it, but when it's extremely cold it's not sufficient to heat the building. And it's expensive. With fewer community club members and the loss of our community elders, who used the wood stove to make sure the plumbing did not freeze, we can't afford to keep the building open.

And yes, we do have rentals. We charge $25.00 to rent the clubhouse, but when it's cold $25.00 doesn't come close to paying the electric bill. So, the decision was made to drain the waterlines and to shut the building down for the rest of the winter. The building has been winterized by David Bracket and Frank Perez. (Thank you guys).

The community club members might meet at one of our church families fellowship halls, but not this month.

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