Photo of the South Mountain Institute furnished by Eddie Murray. Eddie's grandfather John Adolphus Murray is in the back row on the far right.
And now, courtesy of Donna Petty.
Upcoming dates of interest:
Friday, October 3rd, Annual BBQ at the
G.V.United Methodist Ch. 4-8 p.m.
Thursday, Oct. 16th, County Wide Forum
for all political candidates(not sure
of the location--TBA)
Saturday, Oct. 18th, Benefit for Tina Earls
at Sunshine School (Hamburgers,
Hotdogs, desserts, Gospel Music)
Tina's husband passed away. Her 9 yr.
old has had 10+ surgeries in the passed
year. Help is needed!
Mon., Oct. 20th, Democratic Club will meet
and invite all partisan candidates
(perhaps the Democratic headquarters)
Thursday, Oct. 23rd, County Awards Night
for Rural Development (Extension Office)
Monday, October 27th, Forum for County
Commissioner Candidates, G.V. Clubhouse
Monday, November 17th, Mission Team that
visited Haiti will be our guests at our
G.V. Community Club meeting.