Friday, May 18, 2012

Guest Speaker in April 2012

Whether you were or were not at the community club to hear Virginia Hawkins, of South Mountain Peaks, speak of her homeland Zimbabwe in April,  I thought you might appreciate an opportunity to peer behind the curtain, so to speak, and to hear from Cathy Buckle who is still there.

This morning, as I sit at the computer and curse the AT&T slow DSL, for a moment I think of Cathy and feel ashamed of my annoyance at what: centeral heat and air, running water, flush toilets, telephones, electricity, paved roads, petroleum products, grocery stores, WalMart, Lowes.... what in many places is an extreme luxury.

We are so blessed, even with our economy in the state it’s in today, we are so blessed.

Please scroll down to read Cathy’s letter. If you are interested in learning more, please visit her website: .

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